Easily Absorbable Form Of Chromium To Assist In Weight Loss*
Supported Goal: Weight Loss
Main Ingredient: Chromium
Chromium Picolinate which is an easily absorbable form of Chromium is an essential trace mineral that is suggested to assist in weight loss.* Chromium Picolinate may reduce the risk of storing ingested carbohydrates as fats as well as assisting in the control of sugar/carbohydrate cravings.*
Chromium can play a fundamental role in glucose, fat, and protein metabolism by enhancing the effects of insulin or increasing insulin sensitivity.*
Some studies suggest that Chromium's role in fat metabolism may help support blood triglyceride and cholesterol levels already in healthy range.*
By Increasing insulin activity and aiding in glucose, fat, and protein metabolism, evidence suggests that supplementing with Chromium may provide positive support for overall body composition.*